"The Death of Death" | 1 Corinthians 15

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Easter 2019  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  36:28
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Because of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Death has died!

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Death sucks.

Not about you just went like that. You went what did you just say? I said that purposely why might not be the proper thing from the pulpit to say. but because there are few words.

They can adequately Express the the turmoil.

That one feels when they experienced the loss of someone so dear.

I imagine that each of you most likely most of you know exactly what I'm talking about.

that feels moments when you discover. That your loved one is not there anymore.

that pit in the stomach

that feeling that you yourself would rather not go on. You don't talk about.

So that sucks. in a few words that can express that adequately

and if death is indeed.

the final word It's way. way way worse than you and I can even begin to fathom.

It's a struggle. It's a battle even for us as Believers those of you in this room declare the name of Jesus and you've been in church and you're at the very least religious to some extent, you know, all the the stop the stuff. We we celebrated Easter. I'll be at we don't just celebrated Easter because you only celebrate what we're talkin about today at Easter then death is probably going to suck.

But it's not a new dilemma for believers today. It's been at the limit for believers from the very beginning this this issue with death and the grave and in the finality of it.

Paul addresses it in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 among other places throughout the scriptures be dresses an issue in 1st Corinthians 15. That was a concern about their loved ones that I don't on the ones that had had died. What was going to happen. What was going to be the future. Was it done to death have the final word was the grave the end? Paul dresses that it does so in a unique way. If I was a very logical argument for us to consider. the song what you read with me beginning of 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 12

again pause addressing this question about those have died. What's what's their fate? Is this it or is there something more and here is how he addresses it? now if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the dead, how can some of you say

I will change these words just for our sake for a moment that death has the final word.

Residential lease what he say that there is no resurrection of the Dead. How can you say if you if you Proclaim that Christ was raised for that. How can you say that death has the final word? But if there is no resurrection of the dead then. It did not even Christ has been raised and if Christ has not been raised in our preaching is in vain in your faith is in vain. We were found to be misrepresenting God because we testify about God that he that he raised Christ. Timmy did not raise if it is true that the dead or not raised the dead or not raised not even Christ has been raised and if Christ has not been raised your faith is futile and you are still in your sins. Then those of you did those also who have fallen asleep in Christ. They perished. If in Christ we have hope in this life only we are of all people most to be pitied.

I'm glad Paul doesn't stop there. but in fact Christ has been raised from the dead. The first fruits of those who have fallen asleep bread by a Man Came Death by a man cave also the resurrection of the Dead for as in Adam all die. So also in Christ shall all be made alive. But each in his own water Christ the firstfruits then add his coming those who belong to Christ then comes the end when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every Rule and every Authority and power for the most rain until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The Last Enemy to be destroyed is death for God has put all things in subjection under his feet, but when it says all things are put in subjection, it is plain that he is expected. But he is expected to put all things in subjection under him that he is accepted who put all things in subjection under him when all things are subjected to him. Then the sun himself will also be subject at the helm who put all things in subjection under him that God may be all in all. Our Father this morning as we consider this scripture I pray that it would resonate Upon Our Hearts and our minds our emotions and our thoughts everything that is

I pray Lord that this morning that we would consider as though it were the first time this very question. Does it have the final word father? I pray that your word by the power of your spirit will in phatically give us a confident response to that.

No. Because Jesus Christ is risen. The father have your way at our hearts this morning. We pray amen.

Paul responds to this this issue in in in quite a unique way because he deals with a logical question. It kind of comes out as a backwards point. So the verses 12 through 18 really just that there an argument a logical argument because here's the thing and I know that you have likely been there at some point in your life whether as an unbeliever even has a believer that you face the issues of death or even when you're not faced with a butcher the thought is before you which is most often when we're faced regularly with that around us. Is this for real? What happens in death? And we even as Believers why we might not say it out loud to the other people. We might question this very thing is there really a resurrection. Those does death not really have the final word. Is that not the end do we live for a little while this life and then

no. there's a response for Those who are Skeptics from unbelievers. What do you call an atheist or agnostic sore or whatever in there syphilis spots would be that. Yeah, it's it is and all the stuff that we do that are gathering this morning at dawn to read scripture and sing our gathering again today and every other Sunday and everything that goes with it. That's really just our our way of dealing with the finality of death. It just makes it a little easier. That's that's kind of way to look at it. So Paul dressing it from that thing. So if there is not a resurrection of the dead, he's speaking enough brought since his death has to work when your loved one dies when you die of death has the final word then what that means is that they

If there is no resurrection of the Dead in Christ didn't raise from the dead exactly what Paul says this is a logical argument. And then if that is the fact that Christ has not returned that if the resurrection is a hoax it's alive it's just merely a a fable or myth to make us feel better about the finality of death in the deal with it if that's the case. Then there is no hope.

No matter how Christian you claim to be no matter how faithful to the church and into this word the gospel. You are there's no hope it's in vain. The Christ is not raised that our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain. So this makes all the difference.

Jesus died on the cross in order to Bear our sins. God's just punishment against sin, which was required because of who he is was then poured out. Entirely upon cry cry City receives absorbed the Wrath wee wee sing songs about it all the time gives or the rat that you and I deserved what happened on the cross. That's why Jesus declared in those last moments my God my God. Why have you forsaken me because in those moments think about this because we can't fathom it in those. What seemed like moments are hours for us in darkness covered the Earth we can we can turn it in the space of three hours a beginning of the end for us, but the infant son of man God in the flash on the cross bore him that three hours he born infinitely the wrath of God because that's what it requires your sin. Requires infinite Justice y Papa cuz your Sims so bad at least an hour times, but because it's against an infinitely holy God. It's so even that little lie against an infant. Holy God requires an infant it just punishment. And in those three hours only God himself in flesh could bear it at least amount of time the full wrath of God for your sin for my debts what happened on the cross and if so in those moments, he experienced Cheese's I can't fathom it. You'll get it filed with the Jesus Christ the son of God for what it meant to be separated from the favorable glorious presence of God for you and me. That's what happened. But yeah, I can say those words and it's not enough to fully explain it. It's far beyond our comprehension, but not beyond our ability to know what Christ has done, but then he was put in the grave and if that was it. Not enough. Because it's wonderful to be able to go through this life and say I'm forgiven but then die that's it. What good would forgiveness be what good to be be declared to be a right relationship with God because of what Jesus did for you? What good would that be if the grave was he in?

So you're forgiven now you're dead.

To the resurrection makes all the difference Christ Resurrection from the grave was God's declaration. First of all that what Jesus did on the cross was enough.

But not only that it was a declaration of the full and final though not realize for us in this moment, but the fool emphatically final declaration against death It Was Defeated death died.

and the resurrection but if that didn't happen. none of this matters which then tell us another thought. Because I've said this myself The Logical kind of sentimental argument because I think about it for a moment as religious people. What if we're wrong ever asked that question I have What You Preach are you at yeah and I bet I'll ask it a hundred more times at least what if I'm wrong Pikachu Seattle this isn't about pursuing something or anything for me just about truth about reality what's real, so I want to know so I asked that question all time. Is this for real?

Or am I just a fool?

So we often with a reason what you know. What you assume for a moment that the resurrection is a hoax. It's not like I didn't happen. It's just somehow they concocted the story and it got spread in such a way that for thousands of years. It's you get it. I mean how that happened and it's just not there. But hey if we live this life and we walked through this life and good stuff because of our religion, you know, we we have some good times. We we we we we help some people we don't send too bad.

Well, then it it's if we die, we live that life. I got within them at least makes life better or maybe reason like this, you know, if I and I've said this myself what if I live this life this way and then I died and it's a lie. I'll never know it. So hey, this is good enough.

But that logic but Paul says no also that's a lie that stupidity the first 19 if in Christ we have hope in this life only. We have all people most to be pitied. So there went my argument. Hey, it's better that lease take this is true and live this life is a Christian then and it not be true then to assume it's not true and live. However, I want to pause pause is absolutely. You're the most be pitied. If this is not true then go live life. However, you feel like it and want because it's all you've got you get one shot don't do anything. Whatever you feel do it. Because if it's not true, this is that's it. So if you're a religious person a Christian What he released a firm's he's truce with these things in your reader you show up for church. And this is a real you get no pats on the back. You're the biggest fool of all.

So this is a question worth asking.

Is that the final word?

Is Christ risen from the dead? Just singing some nice songs. We might like it and see him some people would from time to time in church on Easter Sunday. That's not enough.

Does death have the final word?

Is Christ risen from the dead?

I can't answer that for you. Ultimately. That's a question you have to answer but I can't stay this. It's something you'd better answer. Not just once and for all while I know that it's settled but it's something we must deal with regularly. Cuz it will drive us into the heart of the Gospel. It will remind us of the depths of our sin remind us of what matters the most.

We do this church Day weekend week out Sunday morning Sunday night Wednesday night and I happen to like it most of the time. I haven't like you most of the time.

But I'm not in it for the show and tell.

I'll sit and Good Friday in our service. @alexis weird choir was singing some songs, and I was just sitting here thinking I'm thinking why we do this. That's the preacher on the front row. How do we do this is repetition. And why do we do this?

Does it really matter?

If Christ is not risen with the damn that has the final word. Absolutely not and I'm the biggest fool in this room.

EBay are you think I'm the biggest fool in this room? That's irrelevant.

I got some help there. You need to come more often. I don't get many responses.

Why? We do this.

But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead. Hallelujah

I don't even do that much. Don't say to Hallelujah stuff much, but it's worth the Christ is risen from the dead.

I love this state, but you might not get the first fruits. It's a language that we don't often understand the first fruits, but the point of that is there's more to follow.

He's got it. Grateful Dead so we can sing songs and and and go through our our our traditions and and I need some food.

They remind us that just as through one man, sin entered this world and it because of that death. In the same way. Every follow this verse way to for as in Adam all die. Every single person that is in that family of Adam is the descendant of Adam every single one of them will die. No exception.

So also in Christ shall all be made alive because that's clear throughout scripture doesn't mean that just everybody gets to buy.

Every single person that is represented by Adam which means every single human being will die every single person who's in a family of Christ who is represented by the head Christ. Will be made alive. another question remains Who's your daddy?

I'll put it this way in regular Romans chapter 5 there for just a sin came into the world through one man and death Russe and so desperate to all men because all sin for sin indeed was in the world before the law was given that sin is not counted where there is no law death rain from Adam to Moses even over those who said he was not like the transgression of Adam. It was a type of the one who was to come. But the free gift is not like the trespass mini die through one man's trespass much more have had the grace of God in the free gift by the grace of that one man. Jesus Christ abounded for many. And a free gift is not like the result of that one man sin for the Judgment following one transfer TransPass trespass brought condemnation, but the free gift following many trespasses Rock justification for it because of one man's sin death rain through that one man much more will those who receive the abundance of Grace in the free gift of righteousness rain in life through the one man Jesus Christ. Therefore as one trespassed led the condemnation for all men. So when active righteousness leads the justification in life for all men Brass by the one man's Disobedience. The many were made Sinners. So by the one man's obedience, the mini will be made righteous.

Sir Paul gives us then this inclusion of hope this this revelation of Hope Christ has the razor. That's so if even raised from the dead there is another answer death does not have the final word.


And we sang earlier this morning, right? The cross has the final word. But maybe that's not quite enough the cross. And the resurrection which declares emphatically God's response to death. That has the final word. the Christ Alone rising from the dead is not is not all there. Is he arose in it for a purpose? Yes, obviously to declare himself as Lord to be seated at the right hand of the father to be worshiped and adored as he deserves, but for more than that that we two might experience hope in this Haughton sad and difficult

mortal life

disappointing grieving

life because we're faced with death. The verse 21 has read for as by One Man Came Death by many by my man has come also the resurrection of the Dead for as in Adam all die. So also Christ will be made live, but each in his own order Christ the first fruits We're come then at his coming those who belong to Christ. So when he comes again.

Whatever that is. When he comes again, those who belong to Christ get the give another answer death does not have the final word. Because Jesus Christ is risen from the dead and he did so he rose declaring that there will be more to come.

But the ads at the end Paul ads this consummation of hope this this hope we talk about hope we we sang the song Living Hope. This hope and we talked about this recently. This is not a I hope so kind of thing.

Red ball game last night and what mission is cuz Dennis you're sitting back there with a ball game last night, man. We met three good scrimmages. We win this game and how to measure confidence and but I hope so and I hope we do well. I hope the boys play good. I hope we win. And let me tell you that was some kind of false hope.

Cuz we didn't win. No offense Lucas and teammates the boys did not play well.

Only thing that I can tell you went well was the score keeping.

Maybe something coaching.

It's not that kind of hope I don't hope so. It's in a grit my teeth and cross my fingers and and do all that kind of stuff and hope for it. I hope you win the lottery one day. I trust I'll give to the church to do. I hope

good things happen I hope that y'all give such a great offering this morning that y'all decide to give W Pastor salary tomorrow. The guy you get what kind of hope I'm talkin about. That's not the kind of hope we have in Christ this hope it's confidence. This is something we know without question is going to happen. It just not happened yet, but it will. Hey, so we live today and white about this is the hope we have because Christ raised from the dead. We live today in the midst of this city infected sick world. It's going to hell in a handbasket.

We do it with a smile on your face a skipping our step and hope in our hearts, even though some of your going to leave here this morning and walk into situations that are not going to make you feel good. Tomorrow is going to come and you're going to feel good. Hope real. Hope because Christ is risen from the dead.

first 24 then comes the end. When he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every Rule and every Authority and power and listen to swing by for he must rain and here's the key word Shield. He has put all enemies. Don't miss that statement is not just a factual statement. He's got to rain until this happens though. The point is he's going to rain and he's raining now until and here's the point he put all enemies on your feet. It's not going to change and tell her happens. He will reign Victorious now in the midst of your Darkness your grease you're paying your loss all the bad stuff you're going to face and if not now it will come Christ is raining now and he will remain there until it's all done.

And all that stuff you experience will be no more. He must Reign until he has put all enemies under his feet and The Last Enemy to be destroyed is death.

death will die. Because Jesus Christ is risen from the dead.

Let me conclude this morning.

a couple ways

I hope at least it is moments for the moments to follow in the days and weeks that you will seriously consider. What this really means in your life.

There are no medals for being religious there no medals for being here. all the time There's no medals for being talented in a particular way.

There's no metals. forgetting money

Now those are parts of all the processes but none of that gains you anything.

Is only one thing that Gage you any right standing before the father.

That is the righteousness of Christ Alone. nothing else So you need to consider that? And you need to consider it again and again and again and you can do so by asking a simple question is Christ risen from the dead because your answer that question. Set a lot. Not just because it's your repeating the answers. You heard in Sunday school all those years. But because you dealt with the reality of him and his consequences in the word of God and what God has declared and you responded.

To take it seriously. Cuz it might not matter in this moment or maybe this afternoon or tomorrow, but it will most certainly matter.

If you don't consider that. And it's no thought given to it. No consideration and no response and I was sure you that I will not stand to be the biggest fool in the room.

Paul concludes this argument We're skipping down first 35 but someone will ask when and how are the dead raised with what kind of body do they come? a foolish person what you sow does not come to life unless it dies and what you sow is not the body that is to be but a bear Colonel perhaps a wheat or some other grain, but God gives it a body. He has chosen to each kind of seed its own body for not all flashes the same but there is one kind for humans and other for animals and other for birds and another for fish there a heavenly bodies and Earthly bodies with the glory of the Heavenly is of one kind in The Lord of the Earthly is another There's one glory of the Sun and other Glory the moon and another glory of the Stars 4 star differs from star in glory. So it is with resurrection of the Dead what is sown is perishable, but what is raised is imperishable? It is sown in dishonor. It is raised and Glory it is sold in weakness. It is raised and power it is so Natural Body. It is raised a spiritual body. And if there is a natural body and there is also a spiritual body. Plus it is written the first man Adam became a living being the last Adam became a life-giving spirit but is not the spiritual that is first but the natural and then the spiritual the first man was from the earth and I have dust II man is from Heaven as was the man of does. So also are those who are other dusted as is the man of heaven. So also are those who are of Heaven? Just as we have borne, the image of the man of dust. We shall also bear the image of the man of Heaven. I tell you this brothers and sisters. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable? Behold I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet.

For the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable and we shall be changed.

This perishable body the one that's experiencing all the grief and the pay in the finality that you feel in death the moment. This is perishable body must put on imperishable and this Mortal body must put on immortality and when the perishable puts on the imperishable in the Mortal puts on the immortality then shall come to pass the saying that is written. Death is swallowed up in Victory. Oh death. Where is your Victory? Oh death. Where is your Sting? The sting of death is sin, but in the power of Citizen Law, but thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Because Jesus Christ is raised from the dead.

that. for all who are in Christ for all clothes in his righteousness. You're wrong all those who are generally in Bucyrus to pursue God In His glory and the truth of the Gospel not necessarily those who are in the pursuit of morality and ethics in traditional liturgy

So this morning?

And every Sunday morning and I pray every morning. We celebrate because of the goodness and Grace and glory of God. We celebrate the death of death.

Therefore my beloved brothers and sisters be steadfast unmovable. Always abounding in the work of the Lord.

Get this last statement and its context. Knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. It is not foolish. Why?

Cuz he is risen. And your response? He is risen indeed. Father we love you. We thank you for your goodness and your grace. Thank you for the death of death. in the life of Jesus Christ

I pray the Lord that this great truth would not just be something we consider for a few moments on the Sunday morning of the preacher preaches or the Sunday school teacher talks. Lordy be something that would. Rattle our cages every moment of the day continually bring us back to this question is Jesus alive?

Father thank you for the work that you've done. Through the life death and resurrection of Christ granting to all those who believe.

life Everlasting freedom from the guilt of sin

and purpose and I hope but I pray for each person who's here. That they would experience and no deeply the hope that is found in the wonderful. Good news the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Who live the life that we should live but cannot. died the death that we deserve to die, but don't want to

so that we could live in him eternally. We love you be glorified in US. And through us we pray. Hey, man.

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